Неофициален сайт (блог) на един български офис. Създаден от: Христо Бараков Unofficial website (weblog) of a bulgarian office. Created by: Hristo Barakov

вторник, май 17, 2005

Am I having a diarrhoea, or yes?!?


Anonymous Анонимен said...

Do you have another CLEAN underwear?

2:15 сл.об., май 17, 2005

Anonymous Анонимен said...

i was crying for argentina. Evita was next to me, she

i do have lots of clean underwear. tell me Kremena what should i do with the dirty ones, should i send it t you dirty so you can sniff them? or you just one a photo?

9:34 сл.об., май 17, 2005

Blogger Xpucmo said...

If you asking what to do with the dirty ones, give them to Evita, she will appreciate...

1:43 сл.об., май 18, 2005

Anonymous Анонимен said...

i did not ask what to do with my dirty pants,( i do know you would go mad for them, but there is lots of people waitting, sorry, just Queue like everybody else)
well i was asking your beloved Kremena. not you.

next please...

3:54 сл.об., май 18, 2005

Blogger Xpucmo said...

You're dreaming too much...

6:58 сл.об., май 18, 2005


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